Innovation is the future...

WHS and Training
Altair provides expertise in developing and implementing Workplace Health and Safety and Training initiatives. The value proposition covers the classical workplace Health and Safety functions in addition to Fire and Rescue, Medical and Security. Over-arching these four areas is the Training component with which Altair supports our clients needs in the ongoing development of their people.
These services are provided as an integrated package of services under a one stop shop model to reduce the client's contract management function so more effort can be focused on their core business.
Altair's capacity will provide support for developing projects and existing businesses across all industries. Altair has provided services for mining and resources, oil and gas, manufacturing, security and government.
Services include:

Workplace Health & Safety
Altair is passionate about making workplaces safer. No matter what workplace health and safety challenge you face, whether one time only advice or a full range of services, Altair is ready to work with you to assess your needs, evaluate options and develop solutions. We will help you to identify and fix risks – and keep them fixed.
In developing and improving a safety management system, Altair focusses on providing the highest standards of WHS, wellbeing and safety culture in your workplace. In doing so Altair will support your existing resources, structures and processes to enhance service, improve compliance, reduce costs and add value.
We are committed to providing value-added professional, effective and efficient WHS services and safety programs that combines the human factors, safety management systems and WHS regulations.
Altair's WHS services include;
Statutory management coverage
Relief personnel support
Professional mentoring
Site specific safety audits
Conducting safety inspections
Incident investigations
Drug and alcohol testing
Facilitating safety meetings
Collecting and analysing safety statistics
Compliance reviews
Development of WHS systems
Managing contractors
Work environment layout and design
Dangerous goods management
Manual handling
Permit to work and hazardous task procedures
Take 5
Job safety analysis
Plant and machinery risk evaluations
Specific property risks
Process safety
Event risk management
Emergency Management plans, response and exercises (desk top and live)
Crisis management and risk analysis
Worker’s compensation optimisation

All employers have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that employees are systematically and adequately trained to do the work required of them both now and in the future. That is, to do their work effectively, efficiently and safely
Preventing accidents should be a key priority for everyone at work and providing safety information and WHS training will help to:
Ensure client and their employees are not injured or made ill by the work they do;
Develop a positive health & safety culture, where safe & healthy working becomes second nature to everyone;
Find out how you could manage health and safety better;
Meet your legal duty to protect the health & safety of your employees.
Altair offer a range of safety courses from general WHS training for managers, supervisors and employees to Certificate IV WHS. Our WHS training packages are suitable for most workplaces or can be customised for specific industries. All training is conducted by qualified professionals that are experts in their field.
Diploma in WHS
4WD – Operate vehicles in the field
Operate and maintain 4WD
Operational performance review
Work safely at heights
Fire rescue / warden training
Permit to work training – e.g. confined space, excavation permits, EWP
Confined space entry (BA gas testing)
Confined space rescue
Low voltage rescue / CPR
Frontline management
Supervisor awareness training
Safety leadership for managers
Risk assessments / JSA reports
Workplace behaviour – bullying, sexual harassment, company culture
Leadership in the workplace
Heat stress awareness
SHOC card training
Fatigue management awareness training
Electrical awareness training
Supervisor awareness training package
Managing HSE incidents (investigations)
Legislative obligations / requirements WHS
Drug / alcohol awareness training
Manual handling
Lock out / tag out
General safety awareness training for the workforce
Harmonisation Laws for Management and the workforce

Fire and Rescue
Altair provides expertise in developing and maintaining a range of skill sets concerning fire and rescue for business to ensure systems are in place to eliminate or mitigate hazards or events in the workplace. Additionally, businesses need to ensure that they are ready to respond in the case of an emergency that places people's welfare and property at risk. Aside from legislation and codes of practice enforcing businesses to prevent and to be ready to respond it is also good business sense from an ethical and company reputation viewpoint.
Altair has the capacity in its network to provide the following services. If there are additional services required please contact us to discuss.
Work at Heights
Work Safely at Heights (Initial)
Work Safely at Heights (Refresher)
Inspect Fall Protective Equipment
Site Specific Height Rescue
Tower / Heights Rescue
Height Safety Awareness
Confined Space
Safe Working in a Confined Space with Gas Test Atmospheres (Initial)
Safe Working in a Confined Space with Gas Test Atmospheres (Refresher)
Safe Working in a Confined Space with Gas Test and BA (Initial)
Safe Working in a Confined Space with Gas Test and BA (Refresher)
Safe Working in a Confined Space with Gas Test - no BA (RPL / RCC)
Gas Test Atmospheres
Operate Breathing Apparatus
Undertake Confined Space Rescue
Site Specific Confined Space Rescue
Emergency Response
Low Voltage Rescue
Apply Initial First Aid / CPR
Apply First Aid / CPR
Fire Extinguisher Use (Confine Small Workplace Emergencies)
Emergency Warden and Evacuation
Chief Warden

With a thorough understanding of what we do, Altair Medical delivers quality industrial medical services to a range of industries including mining, oil and gas, manufacturing and heavy construction industries. Our medical services operates nationally with the strong partnerships we have developed with other medical service suppliers.
Services include:
First aid / medical support
Drug and alcohol testing
Medical personnel coverage
Advanced care paramedics
Industry auditing - medical
Policy and system evaluation, design and implementation

Operating throughout Australia, Altair enjoys strong partnerships with private security companies – providing security solutions to a wide variety of industries the company services.
provides a wide range of security service solutions nationally spanning overall industry segments..
Services include:
Concierge services
Static guarding, including access control and control room monitoring
Events management
Maritime security guards (MSIC)
Aviation security guards (ASIC)
Roving and mobile patrols (foot, vehicle, ATV, motorbikes)
Special response teams on water incorporating small craft and large vessels
Alarm response
Centralised CCTV and alarm monitoring
Emergency surge requirements (requiring teams in excess of 150+ personnel)
Protestor demonstration events requiring higher level security teams
VIP protection (close personal protection)
Customer service security training
Emergency Management plans, response and exercises (desk top and live)
Crisis management and risk analysis
Development and implementation of standard operating procedures and user manuals
Cash in transit
Retail store security
Escort services
Covert and over loss prevention
Traffic control and management
Vehicle search and screening
Evaluation process system and policy implementation
Business continuity planning systems
Industry audits and site specific certification programs