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Keep up-to-date on our latest news


The latest news as we see it at Altair for interesting discussions and links on topics about operations, technical matters and corporate for our clients and followers. This is all about developments within Altair as well as the broader environment in the mining industry.

NEWS FLASH 1 // Strategic Alliance ​ 

Altair Mining Consultancy and TLC Safety Consultants Pty Ltd have combined their services under a strategic alliance to offer a broader scope across a number of industry sectors to provide a stronger value proposition for our clients.


With over 25 years in mining, oil and gas, civil construction, manufacturing and government we have sought and delivered valued solutions to a large variety of areas specializing in corporate strategy, operational planning, production, safety and health innovation, business improvement, risk management, investigations, security, adult education and workplace training.


Our diversity in the services we offer is one of our greatest attributes and proven strengths.

Click on document >

NEWS FLASH 2 // Royalty Rate Analysis Final Report ​ 

The Mineral Royalty Rate Analysis was released to the public by the State Government on 25 March 2015.


The Mineral Royalty Rate Analysis reviewed the State’s royalty arrangements with the following focus:


  • Examination of the policy that revenue returned from royalties is broadly equivalent to 10 per cent of the total mine-head value of the mineral;

  • If a benchmark based on 10 per cent of mine-head value is retained, examination of the extent to which the current royalty rates structure produces revenue that differs from the benchmark, and identification of appropriate adjustments that would take revenues closer to the benchmark;

  • If an alternative benchmark is proposed, examination of the royalty rate structures that would achieve the new benchmark;

  • Addressing any anomalies identified in the royalty structure; and

  • Production of a report for Government, including recommendations.


Click on 'Read more' below to download the report.

Jun 21, 2015

May 11, 2015

NEWS FLASH 3 // MiningMath Associates ​ 

This group is certainly worth a visit to their website to discover what they are doing in the modelling world of pit optimisers. I would interested in hearing about peoples experience with the software and their opinion on the pros and cons in comparison to competitor software.


Putting that aside the website has a number of great links to forums on related subjects which to date has had some solid discussion and I would recommend individuals to at least read.


Click on 'Read more' below to visit the website.

Nov 11, 2014

NEWS // Launch New Website


Altair is celebrating the launch of its new website after having an online presence on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter since the earlier days of entering the consulting market.

The initial year and a half for Altair was difficult with the mining recession really biting in and unemployment in the sector reaching its highest levels after many years of booming conditions. However Altair demonstrated the capacity to deliver service outcomes that met our client's needs and expectations and the work continued to flow.


Of note was that a number of Altair's clients are positioned outside the mining sector. In discussion with these clients it was revealed that a predominately mining background did not preclude Altair in competing in different sectors as the skill sets and experience can be applied globally and with Altair's standing these are strongly sort after.

Apr 11, 2015

NEWS // Strategic Mine Planning 2014​ 

The recent AusIMM Orebody Modelling and Stragetic Mine Planning conference was a fantastic event to stay up to date with the cutting edge developments in mine planning tools and to review specific case studies. Altair was pleased to be present at the event.


Aside from the technical aspects it was, as always, enjoyable to catch up with old mining buddies and getting the latest update on the broader happenings in the industry.


Additionally, the launch of the new publication 'Cut-off Grades and Optimising the Strategic Mine Plan' was part of the proceedings. A great reference book that has been in much demand.

Nov 24, 2014

NEWS // Economic Evaluation ​ 

An old colleague of mine from my St Barbara Days at Marvel Loch, Peter Card, has graciously posted his passion for all to benefit from.


In Peter's words, "this Internet Site is free. There are no charges for using any part. This website has a mining theme but applies equally to evaluations and Excel in other professions It is my (Peter Card’s) way of giving back to the industry after a great career".


A highly recommended read and study because I have many professionals not get the application of this subject right in practice.


Click on 'Read more' below to visit Peter's website.

Dec 14, 2014

NEWS // Innovation ​ 

Innovate or die. Strong words but relevant to today's environment. Some interesting links to kick start ones thinking for 2015.


The article by APN News desk, 16 Jan 2015, summarises the newly release Deloitte "Tracking the Trends 2015, the top 10 issues mining companies will face this year".


APN reports "In an environment of zero tolerance for underperformance, companies must rethink not only their traditional approaches to mining operations, technology deployment, and trading and marketing, but also their underlying cultural approach to costs,"


Click on 'Read more' below for the detail in Deloitte's report.

Jan 17, 2015

NEWS // The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy ​ 

"The energy and resources sector is one of Australia’s most significant economic

contributors and is a driving force behind job creation. It is also central to Australia’s trading key relationships". 


This document is worth a review to measure the progress of the Coalition's implementation of its plans for the resources and energy sector.


Click on 'Read more' below to read the Coalition's policy.

Aug 5, 2013

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